latest smiles

Surviving The Devil

Surviving The Devil

Persecuted for being gay and sold into slavery. This guy has seen and met the devil and forgiven her.

Surviving The Devil

Persecuted for being gay and sold into slavery. This guy has seen and met the devil and forgiven her.

A Walk With The Maasai

A Walk With The Maasai

Do you pity them or want to join them?

See what happened when A Million Smiles spent a week in a traditional Maasai Village.

A cure for the chaos

A cure for the chaos

How to escape the pressure and stress of modern day living and become a more awesome you 🙂

A Beach Full of Joy

A Beach Full of Joy

This video has had more than three million views on Facebook. Why? Simple… it illustrates the joy and beauty we all possess when we share our gifts with the world 🙂

The Man Who Became A Tree

The Man Who Became A Tree

He wasn’t happy with his life working in the mines, so he decided to dress up as a tree and make everyone happy.

The Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness

The Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness

From a lesson in how to fart on plane, to the fragile nature of human friendships, His Holiness reveals many truths about the art of finding and pursuing true happiness.

The Happiest Man Alive

The Happiest Man Alive

A random and chance encounter we had while stopped at a bakery 80km south of Colombo, Sri Lanka, WV Sugathapala, is now world famous for being nothing other than himself – a humble and beautiful man living in poverty.

The Best Mum Ever!

The Best Mum Ever!

What can homeless women Tharangani Priyanka Perera and her two children Sasinda and Senura teach us about smiling? Plenty…

The Blind Boy

The Blind Boy

Statistics tell us he should be dead. But 4-year-old Ravid has a guardian angel, or two. Both are heroes.

The Fearless Human

The Fearless Human

Could you do this? Meet a man famous for being fearless, but not in the way you might think.

The Smiling Musician

The Smiling Musician

What happens when we share our talent and passion? This…

A Beautiful Woman

A Beautiful Woman

Meet a lady who lived a life beyond that which words might try to describe.

The Happy Muslim

The Happy Muslim

Islam like you’ve never seen or heard it before.

Dancing Man

Dancing Man

Tommy is a dealer in smiles. He expresses the child that hides in all of us ‘grown-ups’

Without Words

Without Words

This is a true tale that will change your life.

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