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Lao People's Democratic Republic
Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.
United States
Nothing happier than a 6 tear old grandchild.
Drawing pictures with oil pastels is a new hobby that makes me and my loved ones smile!
White Christmas walk.
United Kingdom
We climbed Snowdonia in wales
My son, daughter and wife enjoying our holiday in wales
Alegría en familia ☺️
La felicidad en una sonrisa.
Crecimiento espiritual
Mi mayor anhelo
Momentos antes de entrar al lugar en que se iba a celebrar mi matrimonio: Nervios, gratitud, felicidad.
“la gente y las plantas saludables producen abundantes flores y fruta. De forma similar, una persona sonrie y es feliz como los rayos del sol” -b.k.s iyengar
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